Galletta KJ, Logan SJ, Harp D, Hunter KL, Taylor RC, Ryan MJ, Page RA*, Baier AL* (under review) Consistent decisions of a predator facing potentially poisonous prey *shared senior authors
Baier AL*, Mortensen SA, Page RA , Madsen PT, and Stidsholt L (in revision) Predator’s paradise: Extreme hunting efficiency in a carnivorous bat
Logan SJ, Baier AL, Page RA, Clements P, Hunter KL, Taylor RC, Ryan MJ (2022) Cross-modal facilitation of auditory discrimination in a frog. Biology Letters 18: 20220098. Full text
Hörpel SG*, Baier AL*, Peremans H, Reijniers J , Wiegrebe L, and Firzlaff U (2021) Communication Breakdown: Limits of spectro-temporal resolution for the perception of bat communication calls. Scientific Reports 11:13708. Full text *shared first authors
Wagenhäuser PA, Wiegrebe L, and Baier AL (2020) Biosonar spatial resolution along the distance axis: revisiting the clutter interference zone. Journal of Experimental Biology doi: 10.1242/jeb.224311. Full text
Baier AL (2019) Evolution: how bat biosonar bests prey camouflage. Current Biology 29 (16): R790-R792 Full text
Baier AL, Wiegrebe L, and Goerlitz HR (2019) Echo-imaging exploits an environmental high-pass filter to access spatial information with a non-spatial sensor. iScience 14:335-344 Full text
Baier AL and Wiegrebe L (2018) Flutter sensitivity in FM bats. Part I: delay modulation. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 204 (11): 929-939 Full text
Baier AL, Stelzer K-J, and Wiegrebe L (2018) Flutter sensitivity in FM bats. Part II: amplitude modulation. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 204 (11): 941-951 Full text
Hoffmann S, Genzel D , Prosch S , Baier L, Weser S, Wiegrebe L, and Firzlaff U (2015) Biosonar navigation above water I: estimating flight height. Journal of Neurophysiology 113(4): 1135-1145 Full text
Voigt CC, Baier L, Speakman JR, and Siemers BM (2008) Stable carbon isotopes in exhaled breath as tracers for dietary information in birds and mammals. Journal of Experimental Biology 211: 2233-2238 Full text
Hoffmann S*, Baier L*, Borina F*, Schuller G, Wiegrebe L, and Firzlaff U (2008) Psychophysical and neurophysiological hearing thresholds in the bat Phyllostomus discolor. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 194: 39-47 *shared first authors
Annual meeting of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Gedraagsbiologie – Egmond aan Zee 2024 | "How sensory information streams govern behavioural transitions in the wild" (poster)
International Congress of Neuroethology – Berlin 2024 | "How sensory information streams govern behavioural transitions in the wild " (poster)
International Congress of Neuroethology (Satellite) – Berlin 2024 | "Consistent decisions of a predator facing potentially poisonous prey" (poster)
A bruit secret: Interdisziplinäres Symposium zum Hör- und Sehsinn - Basel 2024 | "Laut-Malerei: Der sechste Sinn der Fledermäuse" (invited talk)
Symposium on Active Sensing in Animals – Aarhus 2024 | "Predator in paradise: a rich ecosystem serves extreme efficiency in a carnivorous bat" (talk)
Neuroethology Symposium at German Zoological Society meeting - Kassel 2023 | "How sensory information streams govern behavioural transitions in the wild" (talk)
Bridging Brains and Bioacoustics virtual seminar series – 2023 | "A bat's-ear view - Following information flow in a flexible predator" (talk)
Batsheva de Rothschild Conference on Active Sensing: From Animals to Robots - Rehovot 2023 | "A brilliant mind - In memory of Lutz Wiegrebe" (invited talk)
Meeting of the German Bat Researchers – Greifswald 2022 | "Vocalization and navigation behavior in normal-hearing and hearing-impaired bats" (talk)
Meeting of the German Bat Researchers – Greifswald 2022 | "Crossmodal cues and the cocktail party" (poster)
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes: SmP Menschliche Echoortung - Bonn 2022 | "Fledermäuse und ihr sechster Sinn" (invited talk)
International Bat Research Conference – Austin 2022 | "Vocalization and navigation behavior in normal-hearing and hearing-impaired bats" (talk)
Animal Behavior Society virtual meeting – 2022 | "Cross-modal cues and the cocktail party" (talk)
Online exhibition 'Animal Kin and Intelligence' - 2022 | "Awesome not fearsome" (invited talk)
German Zoological Society virtual meeting - 2021 | "Dialogue of the Deaf? Vocalization and navigation behavior in normal-hearing and hearing-impaired bats" (talk)
Animal Behavior Society virtual meeting - 2021| "Dialogue of the Deaf? Vocalization and navigation behavior in normal-hearing and hearing-impaired bats" (talk)​
European Zoo Nutrition Virtual Conference - 2021 | The snacking bat - the nutritional husbandry of chiropterans (invited talk)
STRI Virtual Science - 2020 | "Do you hear what I hear? Vocalization and navigation behavior in normal-hearing and hearing-impaired bats" (talk)
Virtual Network Meeting of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation - 2020 | "Multisensory signalling - is less more?" (talk)
Animal Behavior Society virtual meeting – 2020 | "Spatial resolution along the depth axis in bat biosonar" (talk)
Annual Meeting of the Ethological Society – Tübingen 2020 | "Perfect timing? Behavioural and neuronal integration time in bat vocal communication"(poster)
Meeting of the German Bat Researchers – Frauenchiemsee 2020 | "Peeking through the foliage - Range resolution in echolocating bats" (poster)
​112th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society – Jena 2019 | "Peeking through the foliage - Range resolution in echolocating bats" (talk)
112th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society – Jena 2019 | "Behavioural and neuronal integration time in bat vocal communication" (poster)
XXVII International Bioacoustics Congress – Brighton 2019 | "Peeking through the foliage - Range resolution in echolocating bats" (talk)
Munich Neuroscience Summer School – Munich 2019 | "The extraordinary powers of mammalian echo-imaging" (talk)
5th Frankfurt-Munich Bat Research Meeting – Freising 2019 | "Spatial resolution along the depth axis in bat biosonar" (talk)
Soapbox Science – Munich 2019 | "Sehen mit den Ohren? Wie ich den sechsten Sinn der Fledermäuse erforsche" (talk)
6th Centre for BioRobotics Workshop – Odense 2019 | "Spatial resolution along the depth axis in bat biosonar" (talk)
Symposium on Bat Echolocation – Odense 2018 | "How bats perceive spatial frequency with a non-spatial sensor" (talk)
International Congress of Neuroethology – Brisbane 2018 | "Can sound paint a picture? Biosonar perception of spatial and temporal frequency" (poster)
4th Queensland Brain Institute & Munich Center for Neurosciences symposium – Brisbane 2018 | "Detection of biosonar target changes in FM bats" (poster)
5th Centre for BioRobotics Workshop – Odense 2018 | "Detection of target motion by FM bats" (talk)
Meeting of the German Bat Researchers – Heidesee 2018 | "What makes the ripples risky? Surface wave perception with echolocation" (poster)
Meeting of the German Bat Researchers – Heidesee 2018 | "Detection of biosonar target changes in FM bats" (poster)
Animal Behavior Society meeting – Toronto 2017 | "Water wave perception with echolocation" (talk)
STRI Behavior Discussion Group – Panamá City 2017 | "Can sound paint a picture?" (talk)
Annual Meeting of the Ethological Society – Bonn 2017 | "Biosonar encoding of surface waves" (talk)
International Berlin Bat Meeting – Berlin 2017 | "Exploring echolocation's encoding of spatial and temporal frequency" (poster)
Meeting of the German Bat Researchers – Vallendar 2017 | "How bat biosonar perceives spatial and temporal frequency" (talk)
German Zoological Society graduate meeting – Gülpe 2016 | "Never mind those ripples – spatial frequency and bat sonar " (talk)
3rd Centre for BioRobotics Workshop – Odense 2016 | "Sensitivity for spatial and temporal Frequency in bat sonar" (poster)
XXV International Bioacoustics Congress – Murnau 2015 | "Spatial frequency in bat biosonar" (poster)
International Berlin Bat Meeting– Berlin 2015 | "Perceptual sensitivity for spatial frequency in bat sonar" (poster)
Meeting of the German Bat Researchers – Olpe 2015 | "Perceptual sensitivity for spatial frequency in bat sonar" (poster)
Science After Work – Munich 2014 | "Die Nacht zum Tage - Fledermäuse und ihr Erfolgsmodell Echoortung" (talk)
106th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society – Munich 2013 | "A ripple of excitement - A project outline to investigate coding of
spatial frequency in bat biosonar" (poster)
International Bat Research Conference – San José 2013 | "Coding of spatial and temporal frequency in bat biosonar" (poster)
International Berlin Bat Meeting– Berlin 2013 | "Prey detection on rippled water surfaces" (poster)
Meeting of the German Bat Researchers – Ergenzingen 2013 | "Prey detection on rippled water surfaces" (poster)